FABIC Education & Learning supports professionals to develop the skills to provide LASTING behaviour change strategies and tools to their clients in workplaces, at home and in the community


72 presentations by FABIC Director, Senior Behaviour Specialist, Counsellor and FEL Senior Supervisor Tanya Curtis, covering a wide range of behaviour-related topics in seven series.

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FABIC.TV Series'

  1. Body Life Skills, 11 presentations
  2. FABIC Foundations 101, 7 presentations
  3. Sunlight Ink Children’s Video Books, 6 presentations
  4. Autism Spectrum Disorder, 15 presentations
  5. Building Skills to Support Lasting Behaviour Change, 11 presentations
  6. Mental Wellness, 13 presentations
  7. Functional Behaviour Assessment, 9 presentations

All presentations are incorporated into the FEL Certified Pathways and also available for general public viewing so that the material offered can be integrated into people’s personal and  professional life as they so choose to.

FEL students enrolled in the FEL Certified Clinician Pathways will be required to:

  1. Watch the relevant FABIC.TV series associated with the FABIC certification(s) they are enrolled in.
  2. Attend group supervision with a maximum of 10 participants to discuss, workshop and expand the related topic.
  3. Complete other tasks as stipulated for each FABIC certification.