FABIC Education & Learning supports professionals to develop the skills to provide LASTING behaviour change strategies and tools to their clients in workplaces, at home and in the community


ITA Events 2024 Series 1 Foundations

You – It begins here and it never ends – the main ingredient to any project or business

LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN TAKING YOUR IDEAS INTO ACTION Have you ever had an idea that has gone no further than ‘Hey, that would be a great idea’. Yes? … then this is the course for you. Whether you have considered starting a business, thought about writing a book or ever had an idea or

You – It begins here and it never ends – the main ingredient to any project or business Read More »

FEL March 2024 Training Weekend with TRC

The Harm of Attachment and the Poison of Perception

A weekend of work-shopping, presentations and networking for all those who implement behaviour change strategies. This will support professionals who work with behaviour change in formal support such as allied health and people providing informal support such as family or an adult themselves who is ready for lasting change and wants to build quality wellbeing. Participants may choose to attend one

The Harm of Attachment and the Poison of Perception Read More »