FABIC Education & Learning supports professionals to develop the skills to provide LASTING behaviour change strategies and tools to their clients in workplaces, at home and in the community


FABIC Education & Learning

FABIC Education & Learning has been developed as a result of an ever-growing demand from industry-related professionals asking, ‘How can I bring the FABIC methodology into my workplace?’ Enquiries often come from allied health professionals and people  supporting behaviour change who have seen the benefits of Functional Behaviour Assessment and the Body Life Skills program when LASTING behaviour change is the goal rather than making do with management and relief-based strategies that at best only offer short-term change.

FEL programs are based on the FABIC methodology. They aim to assist future formal or informal behaviour change supporters as well as clinicians working in the fields of:

  • Behaviour
  • Disability
  • Education
  • Mental health
  • Allied health 
  • Psychology
  • Speech Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Counselling
  • Human Resources
  • Justice
  • Autism

In fact, FABIC Education & Learning serves any field where humans are ready for LASTING behaviour change!

FABIC stands for Functional Assessment & Behaviour Interventions Clinic. The methodology offered at FABIC is based on the evidence-based practice of Functional Behaviour Assessment. 

Tanya Curtis, Director and Senior Behaviour Specialist at FABIC, has embraced the foundational principles and methodology of Functional Behaviour Assessment along with other behaviour change sciences to bring forth a model that she has been practising since 2006 – with many clients openly sharing, ‘I have been to so many places and nothing has worked until we came to FABIC’.

This model is now available for others to either become a formal FEL Certified Clinician or informally via individual and/or group supervision. 

Find out more about FABIC and the clinical services on offer at www.fabic.com.au

Find out more about the Body Life Skills Program based on Functional Behaviour Assessment at www.bodylifeskills.com