FABIC Education & Learning supports professionals to develop the skills to provide LASTING behaviour change strategies and tools to their clients in workplaces, at home and in the community


Group supervision is offered to those seeking advancement in their clinical skills in the areas of understanding and changing behaviour.

Group supervision is available for FEL students but also for any person(s) in allied health wishing to advance their skills via group discussions and supervision. Each group supervision will have a theme and is capped at 10 participants.

Group supervision sessions are offered with a particular theme for discussion, deepening and advancement. The theme may be sourced from a  FABIC.TV episode, be a FABIC product relevant to a behaviour-related topic (and which ones are not?) or an open group discussion for Q&As – the theme for each group will be announced as each group is released. 

For those completing the FABIC Certified Clinician Pathway(s), group supervision sessions will be scheduled on a weekly basis and coincide with the sequence of the FABIC.TV series enrolled in.

Participation in group supervision sessions can form part of and/or be for:

  1. FEL Certified Clinician Program students and practitioners
  2. FEL Certified Supervisor Program students and practitioners
  3. NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioners
  4. Counsellors requiring supervision for Australian Counselling Association
  5. Other allied health professionals who want to increase their skills when it comes to understanding and changing behaviour

Group supervision will be facilitated by either:

  1. FABIC Senior Supervisor, Tanya Curtis
  2. FEL Certified Supervisor for the FEL certified programs
  3. NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioners – proficient, advanced or specialist level
  4. ACA approved supervisors

Each group supervision session is 50 minutes in duration.

To book an individual supervision session you will need to complete:

        1. Supervision intake form (same for group and individual sessions)
        2. Book and pay for appointment online
        3. Supervision agreement

It is suggested you keep written records including date, time, name of supervisor and a  summary for all supervision sessions using our supervision record form.

All supervision is offered via telehealth.